Iris at the forest retreat...

on Thursday, July 16, 2009

Here is our latest visitor, little Iris showing Clem and Caleb how to play. They all seem to be catching their breath, because this weeks main event is tag. It's hard to take pictures of the Corgis when they are on the move, I'm not talking about a stroll either, those little legs are deceiving and they eat up the ground chasing each other and they move like dolphins, shifting directions at will.
I want to thank both Mandy and Henry for allowing me to sneak off with their children, I believe the socialization is very helpful for both Clem and Caleb. It's amazing to me how much Caleb adores both Hanna and Iris, with Iris especially he acts like a big goofy puppy wanting to show off. I am not sure who is having more fun, them or us watching them. It's way better than TV!


Baledwr said...

I send them to you so they can get socialized, not like Iris had fun!

starrynights said...

Pretty, pretty Iris. Glad to hear that Caleb likes the girls...

penni said...

A gang of Cardis is always an event. You need an automatic shutter release so you can push the button and pile photo on photo. That might be the only way to get the kids in action!

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