Never enough time...

on Monday, August 3, 2009

This is going to be a long post on plans and goals.

I have so many plans that need to be completed and I watch the summer days just glide by so fast. Living in the forest retreat has so many benefits, but as many of you know also there are the day to day chores that need attention. This spring I had three projects I needed to see completed to feel like I was making progress on my dream of living in a home that was moderately self-sustaining. First build a wood-shed that can hold four plus cords of firewood. I determined I needed that last winter when I was shoveling my wood pile free of snow.

Second, an addition to the house of 1000 plus feet. This is to be a two story addition, first level a mudroom entry, both for me and our furry children. A breeding, grooming, storage area for our new addiction. Thanks Mandy, you said the Cardigans are like potato chips. I think that they might be more like heroin to certain personalities, ya cant get them outta your mind. One reason for my endless questions. Okay, off topic. I ramble, sorry. The rest of the first floor going into storage and a laudry area. The upstairs I plan to make into an office, a bedroom and bathroom for guests. This will have a nice deck which should have a view of the river. One benefit of living in the mountains, once you get above the trees, you have a great view.

The third project is probably the easiest, I want to add about a 1/2 acre to our "yard". Want to add this for more dog room, room to put in a nice raised bed garden and maybe a few chickens. I would have them roam around rather than a coop, but given our two older dogs are both bird dogs, might be an adventure teaching them a new trick. I always know when the wild turkeys are near, those two start having a fit, chickens in the yard might be too much for them to bear.

Being pretty good at construction has benefits, but also obligations. This last month my mother had some heart issues and two surgeries. Being that her washroom is in the basement and I have seen her climbing those stairs with the same determination as someone attempting Mt Everest. With the same shortness of breath as someone doing that altitude climb without the oxygen, well, I knew that laundry needed to be moved upstairs. Since for some reason she could not locate a contractor to make some changes to her house, I felt I better step in. So, now on weekends I am a contractor. Last week a large closet, this weekend and next week the new laudry room. Hopefully, I can get it all done and with an indian summer, I can get my plans on their way. If the addition has the exterior done, I have all winter to work on the inside. The woodshed is in progress as my energy allows. The fence is sort of staked out, well, in my mind at least. :).

Life has a way of changing your plans, maybe I will complete some of my goals for this summer, maybe I wont. But, I do know how this summer has helped to shape my plans and future. The dog shows have been so rewarding. The knowledge gained from watching, listening has been invaluable and when Clem has been chosen those few times, its like watching your kid hit a home run. Thank you Mandy for this wonderful additition and your patience. In fact, thank you all. How reading the blogs, has helped to shape what I want to create with our home and future. How much these little Corgis with the huge personalities will always be a part of our lives. How everything always seems to happen for a purpose. Seeing the kennel at Megans new home brought about how I can add something similar to our landscape. Ever since I was a kid and read up on ecosystems, how I wanted to create something similar. I am not sure how the dog run vision fits in as of yet, but I know in my heart it does. The pieces slowly come together, how it will unfold, I have an idea, but the total vision eludes me. I guess that is why they call it the future, there is your "undiscovered county"


penni said...

I almost needed to go back to bed after reading your goals list. Everything you're planning will be a great addition to your life -- maybe except the chickens. One step at a time and you will truly have a wonderful hideout in the woods.

Jeri said...

That was a pretty lofty set of goals! Hopefully you will get where you want to be. :)

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